Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My Response to the 'Fruitcake'

If you haven't seen this article by Kevin Drum it's probably a good thing. It's just another case of a corporate journalist not doing their homework and perpetuating dominant old-world ideology while thinking they're clever. Our boy Kev called Ron Paul a 'fruitcake' and went on to tell his supporters out there to 'grow up' and stop acting like 'political infants'. So here is my reply to Mr. Kevin Drum:

Dear Kevin,

I have to say I laughed incessantly after reading your article. It was delightfully glittered with hypocrisy, idiocy, and regurgitated old-school rhetoric.

Case(s) in point:
"It's cheap and easy to take extreme, uncompromising positions when you have no actual chance of ever putting them into practice" - Ah-durrr Do you realize that he is a Congressman?! He has been exercising these positions for his entire political career. His consistent voting record directly reflects these positions he's articulated.

"uncompromising positions really don't mean a thing. They don't reflect either well or badly on him" - Do you remember the Kerry is a flip-flopper crusade that went on during 2004 and enabled the crap that we're stuck with to get re-elected?!?! I will say you are right on one thing, unfortunately a consistent voting record and entrenched morals and virtues don't go over too well with voters. Usually it's more about what church you belong to, what gender you are, what race you are, and how 'presidential' you look.

"Ditto for his "record breaking" fundraising day, which is just a function of (a) the growth of the internet as a political money machine and (b) the curious but well-known fact that technophiles are disproportionately libertarian." - So the fact that a grassroots campaign donation effort that came thousands of middle-income donors instead of special interests means nothing?! It means nothing that people not affiliated with his campaign AT ALL organized a drive to raise millions of dollars that they have no stake in other than the hope that this guy might lead our nation? Also, I'd like to see how you ascertained that 'technophiles are disproportionately libertarian'. Do you have stats? I'll bet the house that the answer to that is NO and that this was an assumption...

"In the last Republican debate I saw, this noted truth-teller gave a strange and convoluted answer about his economic policies that the audience plainly didn't understand." - His answer was about as direct as they get actually, considering how little time he has to explain such a complex notion as Economic Theory and how a system that is 94 years old has and is screwing Americans out of their money for the gain of private international bankers. And how did you come to the conclusion that the audience didn't understand? Again... an assumption. More likely, the audience was silent because they were supporters of other campaigns... this would also explain why Rep. Paul was getting booed (as he addressed after the debate when talking to Sean Hannity and Alan Combs)

"Next time I expect to see some straight talk about how we should return to the gold standard and get rid of the Fed. This should be followed by a question about whether he supports the free coinage of silver at 16:1. Then some questions about the tin trust." - So I see you are somewhat well-versed in History by your glib remark there at the end... Kudos to you! Next time go all the way and get the real story. Do you know how the Federal Reserve was established? (If not I recommend 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve' by Eustace Mullins) Do you know how the Federal Reserve system works? Do you know that it creates debt that the American taxpayer is responsible for that goes to private banks right as soon as money is printed out of thin-air (and not backed by anything as you well know). Just because an institution was created decades ago (almost a century now) does not make it anymore legitimate. Read the Constitution and pay attention to the part that says CONGRESS is the sole authority on currency, then try and explain how the Federal Reserve System, which has its Directors appointed by private banks and the executive branch, is within the Constitutional framework.

"Seriously, folks. Can we all please grow up?" - coming from the person who used 'fruitcake' in the title of their article. I'm sure to you this was some clever play on the fact that "we" need to grow up. Yeah, not funny... you look like an uneducated moron when using language like this. You are professional journalist, act like it! Go out and investigate the government instead of perpetuating the falsehoods and disinformation they feed you, like Ron Paul has no chance of winning and has extreme policies. You know what an extreme policy is? How about using Nuclear Weapons on a country that didn't attack us, like Iran... who is expounding this extreme policy?

You embody everything that is wrong with the Corporate Media and Journalism. Assumptions, infotainment, ascribing to typical Beltway explanations, perpetuation of the status quo and authority, and NO QUESTIONING OF CURRENT AFFAIRS. You make me sick, and more importantly, 'yous guys' have made this country sick. Ron Paul would be a great first step in curing this country's apathy, economic woes, crisis in values, and elitist control. You either don't realize this and are acting in ignorance, or you are aware of this and are a tool of multi-national elitist agenda.

Sean Karpowicz

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